
This is YOUR Life- You Can Change It

You know that “thing” that you’re super into? Maybe it’s kinda weird. It’s not something most people have an obsession with. Maybe your interest in it makes you feel a little crazy, or like an outsider.

What if that thing is your calling? You’re way more into it than other people because you’re supposed to be! What if that thing is where you find your tribe? What if that thing is where you discover your purpose in life?

Whatever it is that lights you up- I don’t care how weird or unusual it is- run full force toward it. Your uniqueness is where the money will be. It’s where the happiness will be. Anyone in your circle who judges you for your passion in that weird “thing” isn’t you. They don’t have to like it, too. They don’t have to understand why it lights a fire in you.

Other people aren’t meant to see things the way you see them. Your goals, your future, your happiness- those are for YOU and you only. Other people aren’t going to see your vision, and that’s ok. It isn’t meant for them. 

Here’s your sign to let go of everyone else’s opinions and ask yourself one question: does this “thing” bring me joy? If it does, lean into it! This is YOUR life.

I don’t think it’s normal or acceptable to stay in situations that make you miserable. It isn’t normal to go to work every, spending the majority of your life, at a job you hate.

If you don’t like your life, change it!

Yes, that’s an over-simplified piece of advice. But seriously- even if there are obstacles in your way, sit down and think about any and all ways you CAN make changes. Then just start adding in more and more good things.

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Hi, I'm Rachel- a (formerly cynical) ray of sunshine here to help you take control of your own life. Providing positivity without the BS- just real advice about real life with a side of humor.