
Why I’m Okay With Not Being Who I’m “Supposed” To Be

Why I'm Okay With Not Being Who I'm Supposed To Be
When I was younger, I had this picture in my head of how my life was supposed to go. I pictured myself as a sweet, Susie-homemaker type with 2.5 kids, a dog, and a picket fence.

Sure, I’m a mom and I have a dog and I’m a nice person- but I’m not sweet and innocent, I’m not a Pinterest mom, I’m divorced, and I laugh at the most offensive jokes. I’m more of a cynical, rough around the edges kind of girl. I go to church, I love God, but I’m far from being an ideal example of a great Christian.

There are multiple reasons I turned out the way I am. And you know what? I like who I am. I’m funny, and smart, and tough as nails.

Life has thrown a lot of unfair things my way, and that’s resulted in a girl who looks much different from the girl I was several years ago.

Am I glad I went through the awful things I’ve been through? Well, no. But I definitely don’t hate the person those experiences have shaped me to be.

So if someone looks at me and tells me I’ve changed, well yes, I have. And that’s okay. People grow, they change. They are allowed to do that.

Don’t you dare lose a moment of sleep over people being upset that you’re not the same person you were ten years ago. You don’t have to stay the same for people to like you.

I’d rather be my real, authentic self than try to be the same as the picture someone has in their head of me.

And honestly, where would that even get me? I have goals and dreams and in order to achieve those, I can’t stay in the same place.

Sure, my life looks a lot different than I thought it would at this point. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

You know who I’m supposed to be? Whoever the heck I want to be! Don’t like it? Don’t care. 😘

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Hi, I'm Rachel- a (formerly cynical) ray of sunshine here to help you take control of your own life. Providing positivity without the BS- just real advice about real life with a side of humor.