
The Problem With Perfection

The Problem With Perfection
Perfection. Striving for it is not as great as it sounds. Actually, striving for perfection is, more often than not, unhealthy and counterproductive.
Wanna know why?

Perfection is unattainable

Unless you are Jesus (which you are not), then you are not perfect. Nothing you ever do will be perfect. 
Accept this. Move on.

It’s unrealistic

I’m not a head-in-the-clouds kind of girl, so why would I waste my time focusing on things that aren’t grounded in reality? See point above- being absolutely perfect just ain’t gonna happen.

It holds you back

If you wait until everything is perfect, you will get nothing done. Your life is happening now- don’t hold yourself back by thinking “I’ll do it when…”
If I waited to post anything until my blog posts were perfect, you’d be staring at a blank screen right now.
Perfection and procrastination go hand in hand. Conditions are never going to be exactly right. But if it’s important to you, you should do it anyways- whatever “it” may be.


It’s disheartening

If you aim for perfection, you’re going to fall short. This isn’t a question. There’s no “maybe.” Striving for perfection is setting yourself up to fail.
How are you going to feel if you’re constantly failing? Not good, that’s how.
….maybe this game is where my problem with perfection all began…

No one else cares if you are perfect

And even if they do- who cares?! It is widely accepted that no one in this world is perfect. Unless you’re trying to please a narcissist, which, why would you want to do that?, no one expects you to be perfect. And even if you are dealing with a narcissist, I promise you no amount of perfection on your end will ever please them or be enough.
Think about the people you love most- you probably know most of their flaws. You may even love them because of their flaws. If you can give grace to others, you can give it to yourself.
Try your best, take care of yourself, and give yourself grace. Perfect is boring, anyway.
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Hi, I'm Rachel- a (formerly cynical) ray of sunshine here to help you take control of your own life. Providing positivity without the BS- just real advice about real life with a side of humor.